Michael Chu
Michael Chu is senior product manager at NVIDIA responsible for DirectStylus and SHIELD tablet accessories. After working at a series of start-up companies doing software, hardware and system engineering, he moved into product management and marketing, first at AMD, then Intel and eventually NVIDIA in 2013. Michael has worked on products ranging from SSL acceleration appliances, reconfigurable computing, GPGPU, gesture recognition with depth cameras and now mobile consumer devices.
在 SHIELD 平板電腦創作精彩的藝術作品
從在家串流播放 PC 遊戲到出門在外玩著 Android 平… 閱讀文章
繪圖板捲土重來:建築師使用觸控筆來繪製草稿及 3D 模型等內容
知名建築師法蘭克.洛伊.萊特(Frank Lloyd Wri… 閱讀文章