Andrew Rink
Andrew Rink leads global marketing strategy for AEC and Manufacturing Industries at NVIDIA. With 25 years of international experience in industries as wide ranging as CAD and animation software, computer hardware, and photonic power, Andrew has extensive understanding of the challenges faced by global companies and expertise in bringing innovative technology to market. Based at NVIDIA’s Silicon Valley headquarters, he has traveled to over 80 countries and is fluent in three languages.
GTC2020 亮點: 強大的 AI 科技助力設計和建構未來空間
了解 NVIDIA 最新技術如何幫助企業提高建築和基礎設施計劃的生產力和效率。
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幾乎所有建築公司的設計團隊都經歷過在時間緊迫的情況下,為了給… 閱讀文章
GTC 2020 |建築師和設計師共同聚焦RTX
了解創新工作者如何採用最新的 NVIDIA 科技優化產品以及… 閱讀文章
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