NVIDIA 與 Microsoft 宣布針對智慧邊緣運算時代進行技術合作

作者 Melody Tu

Microsoft 透過 NVIDIA T4 GPU 擴展其智慧邊緣解決方案以協助各產業加速 AI 作業

NVIDIA (輝達) 與 Microsoft 今天宣布針對智慧邊緣運算進行技術合作,以協助業界改善管理伴隨零售商店、倉儲、製造設備、連網建築、都市基礎設施與其它環境成長所產生的大數據,運用資料洞察機先。

雙方藉由更緊密地整合 Microsoft AzureNVIDIA EGX 平台攜手推進從邊緣到雲端的 AI 運算能力,嘉惠全球各地產業。

在 EGX 上運行的 NVIDIA Metropolis 影像分析應用架構已針對 Microsoft Azure IoT Edge、Azure機器學解決方案以及由 NVIDIA T4 GPU 所驅動的全新封裝 Azure Data Box Edge 元件進行優化。此外,已針對 Azure IoT Edge 與機器學習服務進行優化的 NVIDIA 認證標準現成伺服器目前已透過眾多包含 Dell、Hewlett Packard Enterprise 與 Lenovo 等 OEM 領導廠商進行供貨。

NVIDIA 創辦人暨執行長黃仁勳表示:「智慧邊緣運算的時代已經來臨。全球頂尖企業都想發展 AI邊緣運算能力,在每個邊緣點進行感測、分析並採取行動,以便從持續流通的資料中洞察機先。未來這將創造出史上最大規模的運算並連結數兆個智慧感測器。NVIDIA 與 Microsoft 平台彼此緊密整合以提供客戶從邊緣到雲端的端對端解決方案。」

Microsoft 執行長 Satya Nadella 表示:「在任何地點與任何裝置都置入運算的世界裡,企業需要一個從雲端橫跨至邊緣的分散式運算組構。我們與 NVIDIA 攜手提供給客戶 Azure 的效能並將 Azure AI 帶到邊緣中,帶來突破性的體驗。」

NVIDIA EGX 是一個能將 AI 運算能力帶到邊緣裝置的可擴充式平台,可從最小的 Jetson Nano 擴充至 T4 伺服器機架,透過由 CUDA-X 函式庫、容器、Kubernetes 和類似 Azure IoT 的雲端解決方案之軟體堆疊獲得完整的支援。

NVIDIA Metropolis 架構內含 NVIDIA DeepStream 軟體開發套件,該套件已獲得超過 100 家為零售業、製造業與智慧城市提供解決方案的影像分析軟體供應商所採用,其中包括AnyVision、DeepVision、IronYun、Malong 與 RealNetworks。

Microsoft Azure 機器學習解決方案讓企業得以依所需規模快速打造從雲端到邊緣的 AI 模型。Microsoft Azure IoT 平台可讓應用程式可在任一 NVIDIA 認證伺服器或裝置上運作,並透過雲端 OEM 裝置上運作,提供連接、擴充與維護等功能。Azure Data Box Edge 是一種 AI 邊緣運算元件,可以在邊緣處理與分析資料,並在連網的情況下把資料上傳至雲端。

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關於 NVIDIA (輝達)

NVIDIA (輝達)自 1999 年發明 GPU 起,成功促進PC電競市場的成長並重新定義現代電腦顯示卡產品,掀起電腦平行運算革命。近年來 GPU 深度學習也促發被視為下一個運算時代的人工智慧,透過GPU以類人腦方式運作於電腦、機器人與自駕車等,來感知並解讀真實世界。欲瞭解更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://nvidiastage.wpengine.com.tw/


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Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: Microsoft’s intelligent edge solutions being extended with NVIDIA T4 GPUs and it helping to accelerate AI across industries; the benefits and impact of NVIDIA and Microsoft’s collaboration and it being designed to manage large amounts of data; Microsoft Azure and NVIDIA EGX platform enabling closer integration of the companies, advancing AI computing capabilities and benefiting businesses worldwide; the availability of NVIDIA servers from OEMs; the world’s largest industries wanting AI computing at the edge and it being the largest-scale computing ever created connecting trillions of smart sensors; NVIDIA’s and Microsoft’s platforms dovetailing to offer customers an end-to-end solution from edge to cloud; organizations requiring a distributed computing fabric that spans the cloud and edge; NVIDIA and Microsoft bringing the power of Azure and Azure AI to the edge, enabling breakthrough experiences for customers; the benefits, performance and abilities of NVIDIA EGX, NVIDIA Metropolis and Azure Data Box Edge; the number of developers that have adopted the NVIDIA DeepStream software developer kit; Microsoft Azure Machine Learning solutions allowing businesses to rapidly build AI models at scale; and Microsoft Azure IoT enabling applications to run from any NVIDIA- certified server or appliance and on OEM devices are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners’ products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company’s website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

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