Paresh Kharya
Paresh Kharya is senior director of product management and marketing for accelerated computing at NVIDIA. He is responsible for the messaging and positioning of NVIDIA’s data center products, including server GPUs and its computing software platform for AI and HPC. Previously, Paresh held a variety of business roles in the high-tech industry, including product management at Adobe and business development at Tech Mahindra. Paresh has an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management and a BS in computer science from the National Institute of Technology, India.
隨著 AI 部署跨越臨界點,NVIDIA 推論效能再創新高
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微軟在 Word Online 版本內採用 NVIDIA 的人工智慧技術來提出文法建議
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NVIDIA 在最新 MLPerf 基準測試中刷新 16 項人工智慧效能紀錄
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