Leslie Pirritano
Leslie was formerly at NVIDIA in various game-related roles. She’s had a blast managing dozens of NVIDIA’s games promotions such as "Borderlands 2" and "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel," "Batman Arkham Origins," "Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag," "Far Cry 4" and "Star Craft II." Leslie has built five gaming rigs in the last seven years. Her latest is an open-air Danger Den chassis. Her gamer tag on Steam is LittleLeslie and you can follow her on twitter @LoveLaughLeslie. Leslie graduated from San Diego State University in 1992 with a BA in psychology. She entered into the technology world while simultaneously working as an American Sign Language interpreter. As a Trekkie, her favorite interpreting gigs were at Star Trek conventions. When Leslie goes home, she is a wife and a mom to three teenagers, two dogs, four cats, five chickens and a turtle. Zora, Leslie’s Akita, often comes to work with her. Leslie loves to play 8-ball and 9-ball on the local APA league. Aside from game collectibles, her cube also keeps several pool trophies!
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