Andrew Cresci
Andrew Cresci is responsible for NVIDIA’s strategy, alliances and marketing for graphics virtualization. NVIDIA GRID is the key enabling technology for Citrix, Microsoft and VMware virtual desktop infrastructure. Previously, Andrew was responsible for NVIDIA’s manufacturing industries vertical market with a particular focus on how NVIDIA technology, such as GRID, improves the design process and workflow within enterprises. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Andrew was vice president of marketing for eMeter, a Siemens intelligent network company, and prior to that vice president at Adobe Inc. He's also served as vice president and European general manager for TiVo, and held workstation marketing and sales roles at Silicon Graphics and Hewlett-Packard Company, respectively.
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Airbus, CH2M HILL, MetroHealth 等知名公司先行採用NVIDIA GRID vGPU運行VMware Horizon桌面虛擬化管理
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朝向未來:NVIDIA GRID 使得 STV 大步躍進
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NVIDIA 如何為 SolidWorks 帶來無與倫比的效能與彈性
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來自 NVIDIA 的激勵,MotoCzysz 目標瞄準陸地上的極速記錄
在連續三年贏得最負盛名的電動摩托車大賽後,現在的進展情況如何… 閱讀文章